Where to Settle your SSS Contribution Payment
Where to Settle your SSS Contribution Payment – If your are looking for other options to pay for your SSS Contribution then this is the correct guide for you. I remember my wife who was a Voluntary Member of SSS and is having a hard time paying for it because she needs to go to the SSS Office and as a Housewife who has to worry about our son she doesn’t have the luxury to spend hours settling it.
That is why I compiled this list of Where to Settle your SSS Contribution Payment to help busy people out there speed up their contribution payment.
The Philippine Social Security System listed eight banks that will accept SSS Contributions Payments. All you need to do is to produce a PRN, Payment Reference Number and make a payment via the Real-Time Posting of Contributions (RTPC) system. The bank are as followed:
In the meantime there are also accredited Bayad / Remittance Centers that Accepts SSS Contribution Payment. Again all you need to do is to produce a PRN, Payment Reference Number and make a payment via the Real-Time Posting of Contributions (RTPC) system. They are as follows:
We all hate Due Dates and with SSS Monthly Contribution its very risky to have one since they will not even notify you about it. That is why its better to know when is the deadline to pay for your SSS Contribution. I prepared a table below for you so make sure to put this on your calendars.
This also proves that technology never fails at bringing advance ways to make our life easier that we have never imagined before. Nevertheless, it’s not impossible that more banks would embarked on this type of method to cater the needs of our OFWs.
That would be it. I hope that my guide on “Where to Settle your SSS Contribution Payment” helped you on your SSS Membership. Please do subscribe on our Facebook Page Olanap Media and to our mailing list to get our latest articles. For any inquiries email us at hello@olanap.com.