Video of a man caught with shabu inside motorcycle Ubox goes Viral

Paul Jake Ong – The the name of the man who was featured in the new viral Facebook video. In the said video he was seen in handcuffs surrounded by policemen while a guy in white shirt tries to open a Ubox of a motorcycle by lock pick. In the viral video Paul Jake Ong was seen crying and explaining his side on what appears to be a resisting arrest case. Suddenly the guy in white successfully opened the Ubox and Paul Jake Ong was asked to open the Ubox. The policemen also pointed to the man capturing the video which was later known as Choy Gallarde saying he’s from Media.

Two sachet of Shabu found inside Ubox of motorcycle

Paul Jake Ong still on handcuffs finally opened the said Ubox and looked shocked on what he found. He was at first looked angry of what is happening but during the duration of the video all he’s left to do is cry even challenging the policemen on scene to do a drug test.

Paul Jake Ong : The suspect on the Viral Video of Shabu found inside motorcycle Ubox

A fair comment from one of our Netizen

After watching the video and reading to the comments it was clear that the people has spoken. It was a PLANTED Evidence. That is why got intrigued and get into the bigger picture of that video. I visited the profile of the uploader who was the same man said by the policemen as from the media and saw there the reports about the incident:

Good Evening Sir/Ma’am

Provincial Highway Patrol Team Negros Oriental
Report on Arrested Person (Paul Jake Ong y Suwerte)

O/A 5:30 PM of February 15,2017, elements of PHPT Negros Oriental led by PSINSP ROBELITO DL MARIANO arrested Paul Jake Ong y Suwerte for Resistance and Disobedience to a Person in Authority when he disregarded and evaded being arrested when he was flagged down for initial violation of no side mirror. The suspect presented delinquent registration. The OR/CR, drivers license and other IDs presented where all fake after verification. Moreover, when the Ubox were opened two (2) plastic sachets of suspected shabu were recovered inside. The suspect was brought at the office of PHPT Negros Oriental for filing of complaint for violation of Art 151 and 172 of RPC, Sec 16 of R.A. 10883 and Sec 11 of RA 9165. For your information. — Choy Gallarde

Evidence against Paul Jake Ong y Suwerte Shabu found in motor

It looks like there are two evidence against Paul Jake Ong and we have something to say about it that might help you guys analyze what is happening.

Paul Jake Ong : The suspect on the Viral Video of Shabu found inside motorcycle Ubox

Fake ID’s found in Possession of Paul Jake Ong

  • “The OR/CR, drivers license and other IDs presented where all fake after verification” – If that is true we can say that even if the “Shabu” planted that “USED” Driver license in the Picture is legit. How the hell can policemen fabricate a FAKE and USED driver’s license?

  • According to Choy Gallarde policemen found 2 pieces sachet of Shabu. Now this is fishy and we strongly agree to our Netizens that it is planted. First why does that Shabu too easy to be found? Everyone knows there’s a lot of checkpoints these days so no dumb person will put 2 sachet of Shabu that easy to find. As you can see on the video it is near the edge of Ubox where a sachet that small can be squeezed even without opening it.


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Are the netizens too quick to assume that the Policemen planted the evidence? mission is to educate people to use Internet and Social Media wisely. Get into the bottom of the story and do research before accusing someone or flaming an issue. But this time as we strongly agree to the netizens judgement. Even though the Fake Driver’s license looks like a legit violation the 2 pieces of Shabu is just plain Bullsh*t. This needs to be investigated by General Bato Dela Rosa or President Rodrigo Duterte himself. This will add to the growing dissatisfaction of the people towards our policemen.

Paul Jake Ong : The suspect on the Viral Video of Shabu found inside motorcycle Ubox

One of the comment in the Viral video of Paul Jake Ong

The Verdict

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As always will continue to get into the bottom of this Viral Video and I hope that you guys will do the same. Like our Facebook page and Bookmark our website and don’t be left out. If you need to say something personal email us at Adios!