The Escherian Stairwell

The Escherian Stairwell – It was named for the Dutch graphic artist M. C. Escher, famous for his “impossible reality” artworks, such as the never-ending Penrose Stairway) which “violates the laws of physics and basic logic by looping back into itself”. In April 2013, Internet users were puzzled and amazed by a video from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) purportedly documenting the existence of a so-called ‘Escherian Stairwell’ (named for the Dutch graphic artist M. C. Escher, famous for his “impossible reality” artworks, such as the never-ending Penrose Stairway) which “violates the laws of physics and basic logic by looping back into itself.” The video was created by a Filipino student name Michael Lacanilao and it is FAKE!

Full Video dated back in 2013 below

Just last February 12, 2017 a man named Ahmad Salahat posted on Facebook a part of the so called The Escherian Stairwell video and garnered enormous views already along with 38,000 reactions and 30,000 shares. Little did this people know that they just proved how genius Michael Lacanilao is.


The purpose of The Escherian Stairwell by Michael Lacanilao

I just want to repeat this over and over again guys that video was published in Youtube back in Apr 30, 2013 so don’t repeat the same mistakes people back then are doing. Here’s what Michael Lacanilao has to say on how he came up with the idea:

It’s hard to say exactly where the idea came from. I remember having a dream about an endlessly looping stairwell when I was 6 or so. I’ve also always found Escher’s work fascinating and used to wonder how cool it would be if his drawings could be recreated in real life.

The Escherian Stairwell : A video created by Filipino Michael Lacanilao is FAKE

The Escherian Stairwell : A video created by Filipino Michael Lacanilao is FAKE

He also added that:

Our goal is not to deceive people, but rather to allow them to get caught up in the excitement and wonder of something extraordinary–like Santa Claus for adults. I think about the wealth of detail put into the world of Avatar, or Harry Potter, or even a Disney theme park ride like the Tower of Terror.

About the other Filipino on the video:

The webisode is part of Lacanilao’s larger project; he’s currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise the money to film a documentary about Rafael Nelson Aboganda, the stairwell’s fake architect, featuring real engineering experts giving false testimony about the science behind the stairwell’s design. He’s also creating a Googleable body of fake academic articles purporting to explain the stairwell’s mechanics (in my own defence, I thought the stairwell employed an optical illusion to give you the false sensation of ascending or descending, but Lacanilao says the idea is for viewers to believe it literally allows you to ascend down and descend up).

All of this can be found in an interview with POPOPTIQ website. You might want to check that out.


The effects of The Escherian Stairwell according to Michael Lacanilao

Here’s an interview I found from the HAZLITT website which will show you how people was deceived almost 4 years ago:

“It really, really made me feel so bad,” Lacanilao said when I called him up to say, in essence, hey. “When I found out that some of them even drove up from Canada, like some people crossed borders to go there!” He had thought that people would see the video and be taken in for a maximum of 15 seconds before rational thought set in. Over the summer, he was taken aback by the flood of pilgrims showing up demanding to see the stairwell. “One couple was really, really angry. She told us that during her trip with her boyfriend they were arguing in the car about who would do the stairwell first. And they were both kind of scared like, ‘No, you do it first, No, I don’t know if I want to do it first.’”


The Verdict

Well thanks to Michael Lacanilao of course for this very intriguing video. I just hope that the people who reacted to it even cared to get into the story behind it not just tag his friends or post it right away in their timeline. That is what stands for guys we Like viral stories but we will give you all of the information about.

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Please check out all the links below about my sources and the original video itself:

The Escherian Stairwell video by Michael Lacanilao original video: CLICK ME

HAZLITT interview of Michael Lacanilao: CLICK ME

POPOPTIQ interview of Micahel Lacanilao: CLICK ME