How To Get PhilHealth MDR Online – If you are looking for ways to update your PhilHealth Membership Data Record (MDR) then you are in the right place. We have here the PhilHealth MDR that you can download and we will also help you what to do with it. We have gathered all the latest information as of February 17, 2019 to make sure that this guide help you in your PhilHealth MDR needs.

PhilHealth Member Data Record or MDR is one of the most important requirements when availing PhilHealth benefits. PhilHealth MDR contains the member and beneficiary’s personal and/or employment information.

how to get philhealth mdr
How to Get Philhealth MDR

In short, the hospital or medical facility where you want to avail or apply for PhilHealth benefits would ask you to submit your PhilHealth MDR to know if you are really a member or a beneficiary of PhilHealth and if you are qualified to receive PhilHealth benefits.

Without MDR, your application for PhilHealth benefits may be denied or there may be a delay in the processing of your benefits.

How To Get PhilHealth MDR?

The Guide you will see below has two parts, First is for downloading empty PhilHealth MDR form for updating purposes. The next part is for registered Philhealth Members that has access on PhilHealth Online Website.

How To Get PhilHealth MDR?

  1. For non Registered Members Download the PhilHealth MDR Form below

    For Locals Click Here – PhilHealth MDR Local
    For Foreigners Click Here – PhilHealth MDR for Foreigners

  2. On The Upper Right of the Form Check “Updating”

    Make sure to Check the “Updating” to notify PhilHealth Office that you want to update your MDR.

  3. Fill up the Form and Email PhilHealth Office

    Make sure to fill up with accurate information and email wait for a few days to recieve your updated PhilHealth MDR

  4. For Registered Members Login To PhilHealth Online

    Go to the PhilHealth website at

  5. Locate your PhilHealth MDR just like the picture below

    Once you’re successfully logged in, you will now see your PhilHealth information, and contributions. You also now have the option to print your MDR. To do this, just click the printer icon for MDR to get philhealth mdr

That’s it! You now have your PhilHealth MDR by following the easy steps above. Since this may not be the first time you will need your PhilHealth Membership Data Records it would be best if you register to their website just follow our guide below:

Also Read: PhilHealth Online Registration Guide

PhilHealth MDR Registration Form Download for Local Individuals


PhilHealth MDR Registration Form Download for Foreign Individuals


That would be it! I hope our guide about “How To Get PhilHealth MDR Online” have helped you in your PhilHealth needs. Please leave a comment for any suggestions, correction and concerns about this post. You can also email me at To get updated with our content just like our Facebook page: Olanap Media and follow our Twitter: @OlanapMedia